WASHINGTON, D.C.—Prison Fellowship, the nation's largest Christian nonprofit serving prisoners, former prisoners, and their families, and a leading advocate for criminal justice reform, presented the 2020 Charles Colson Advocate of Hope Award to Marcus Bullock and the Rev. Dr. Sylvia Bullock, co-founders of Flikshop, a photo and message service that sends postcards exclusively to incarcerated men and women in the U.S.
Earlier this month, President Joseph R. Biden proclaimed April national Second Chance Month, making it the fourth consecutive year the White House has made this declaration.
“Do all the good you can: when you can, while you can, and watch God do the rest," said the Rev. Dr. Sylvia Bullock, Marcus’ mother and executive director of Seek His Face Ministries.
“I cannot believe that we’re being celebrated this way,” said Marcus Bullock, founder of Flikshop. “There were so many dark days for her and I over the years, and now today I wake up every day to see my mom in the office or on Zoom as we attempt to drive impact and awareness around the need for second chances. God is great…we’re winning!”
“We constantly hear from thousands of men and women across the country about how keeping in touch with their loved ones is so essential in their personal and spiritual growth while behind bars,” said James Ackerman, President and CEO of Prison Fellowship. “With the recent pandemic, it was even more critical for these relationships to continue. Thanks to Flikshop, God was able to continue to work in strengthening families and loved ones through this unique type of communication.”
“It’s wonderful to see how God took the special relationship between Marcus and his mother to pave to way in helping thousands of other families with incarcerated loved ones, “ said Heather Rice-Minus, Senior Vice President of Advocacy and Church Mobilization for Prison Fellowship. “Marcus and the Reverend Dr. Bullock are continuing the legacy of our founder, Chuck Colson, in practicing unconditional love and support for those loved ones who are incarcerated.”
Read more via Prison Fellowship https://bit.ly/3zmqBMX